Get Ahead of the Poor Season - With Early Weaner

April 9, 2019

The poor wet season in many regions and the prospect of reasonable cattle prices is a catalyst for many pastoralists to consider their options early.

While it might be a tough season, getting ahead by taking action early could ease the strain and improve financial prospects.

Early Weaning, right down to very low weights of 60 kgs, is a strategy that has been practised successfully by some pastoralists over the last 3-4 years with excellent outcomes. Very early weaning, onto a safe and high quality product like Early Weaner, in association with hay, is proven to work. The calves are kept alive so that they can become a productive asset when the season does improve, and the cow is kept in reasonable condition and protected from emaciation and possible death.

CalfrGro user, Annabelle Copin, faced a very tough season in 2016. In early 2017, she summarized her thoughts on early weaning, looking after the breeders and being ready for when the rain did come. Read her story here.

Annabelle refers to CalfGro, which now has a NEW name – Early Weaner.Same quality  same safety, same ease of feeding – now with a more appropriate name.

For more information on Early Weaner or other Milne Feeds products, please either call Dean Maughan on 0419047417 or send an email to