How to Avoid the Pitfalls of Abundant Pasture for Dairy Cows

June 4, 2021

The start to the season in the Karridale area is the best it has been in a number of years. Dairy farmers are grazing pastures at both ends of the day. In many instances, large quantities of silage will be carried over until next summer.

Whilst a great start to the season has everyone happy with good pastures, good milk production, good milk protein levels, and healthy cows, there are nutritional considerations for milk production with high-quality pastures.  

An issue that some people may experience with such good conditions is a declining fat test. If production litres are good and protein test is 3.1-3.2% or above, a fat test of 3.6-3.7% is fine. The cows will be producing close to 2kgs of Milk Solids per day, which is a great result.  However, if you see fat test dip lower, and into penalty levels, then early action needs to be taken.

Watch Dean Maughan explain the impact of high-quality pasture on butterfat, and ways to manage this effect.